
International Women's Day 2019


Hey there! A small update before we continue on IWD. For the whole month of March we will be back in Asira Ash-Shamaliya where Amber is teaching skateboarding along with SkatePal volunteers.

On March 8th, International Women's Day takes place worldwide and we love it! Our IWD takes place in Palestine and Amsterdam, you can find our planning below. Hope to see you around!


Asira Ash-Shamaliya

2PM - 6 PM --- Celebrate with Amber at the skatepark of Asira Ash-Shamaliya. Bring all your hbibti's, moms, daughters and sisters for a good skate in the sun 🌞🌞

‎الأحبة، الأخوات، الأمهات، البنات شاركونا بالتزلج لإحياء يوم المرأة العالمي 2019 !

‎ساحة تزلج عصيرة الشمالية، الجمعة 8 آذار، من الثانية عصرا و حتى السادسة مساء

‎أهلا و سهلا بالجميع

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10:30 - 13:00 --- Opening of exposition 'The City is Ours'. Through creative workshops, participants developed a vision of what their ideal city would look like. The expo lasts a month, but during the opening EU Parliament members will be there, so if you're in the neighbourhood come take a look! :)

18:00 - Late --- Girls' night (IWD edition) at Skatepark Amsterdam.

That's it for now, we hope you have a great day!


Our flagship Women's Program has launched in Athens!


It's time to spill the beans and reveal what we have been working on these last months. 

Women Skate the World are now working with Free Movement Skateboarding in Athens, Greece to deliver our flagship Women's Program. The program, coordinated by Amber, will run alongside the weekly girls' skate sessions and cover topics ranging from body safety and boundaries to first aid and planet Earth and environment.The Women's Program has been designed to engage, inspire and empower girls to make positive changes for themselves and their communities.We hope you like this just as much as we do, so if you want to see what we're up to, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


If you'd like to support Women Skate the World, the Women’s program and future projects, please donate. Every donation you make helps us to expand our activities and engage with more communities.


Skateboardingclasses Sulaymaniyah

Recently, Amber has started teaching skateboarding in Sulaymaniyah, a city in Kurdish Iraq. The classes will continue every day from 4pm - 8pm local time, until the 27th of June. The Suli skatepark is located at Hawary Shar Park and the classes are accessible for all ages and abilities, no equipment needed.


The park is built by 45 volunteers from 15 countries working together with locals, organized by Make Life Skate Life.