How to be inclusive?

We invite all skateboarding institutions and parks to be actively inclusive!

Unfortunately, unless special efforts are made, it is unlikely that your space is a safe space for everyone. We need you to reflect on your actions.

- What steps can you take to be more inclusive and supportive?
- It can also be helpful to look at the demographics of your visitors.
- Who is (over/under)represented?

We probably agree that skateboarding is one of the best things in the world. Considering this, we believe that unless the demographics reflect a (close to) equal and widespread representation among all gender identities: there is work to do!

Use the slides below to make the first start in making your programs inclusive and accessible to all. We focused on women and girls, but you can check out the link to the toolkit to read more about inclusion.


Want help achieving a diverse and inclusive community at your skatepark? Reach us through